Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Celebrating 23 years of...... MOI

Ok so here's a wee secret for you...

TODAY is my 23rd BIRTHDAY! 23, as in the lowest prime number of consecutive numbers. 23, as in the number of discs in the human spine. 23, as in the amount of seconds it takes for blood to circulate around the body. 23, as in the number of times Julius Caesar was stabbed. 23, as in... oh my gosh I'm now most definitely a "20-something".

I dunno about you, but sometimes I find birthdays tough to celebrate. There's a few reasons for that. One, getting old is getting less and less exciting. Being an adult can be a bit tough sometimes. Two, my family had a bit of a breakdown around my 21st, and that remains a little painful. Three, I struggle having a day about me - I'd rather celebrate everyone and everything else!!

Now, in lieu of an identity crisis - think like this ---

--- I thought I'd take some time to really think about ME. The reason? I think we're in danger of identity theft. I think we sometimes forget to celebrate how unique and amazing and different we all are. We forget to own our true identity, and in whose image we were truly created. And sometimes, the best thing is to plant your feet firmly on the ground and celebrate you. So, in honour of my birthday, here are 23 things about me you might not have known.

1. Alexandra means defender of men. I think that's pretty cool.

2. I only like black jellybeans.

3. On the 21st of November 23 years ago, I couldn't decide if I wanted to be born so got stuck. Then I was born yellow and hairy from being early but with a pointed head from getting pulled out. I looked like a monkey. So far, I've lived up to the name.

4. My favourite place in the world is the Peter Pan statute in Hyde Park in London. It makes me remember to keep dreaming big.

5. I despise being cold. But I ALWAYS have cold hands.

6. It took me approximately 22 years to stop hating my feet. I now love jandals.

7. I LOVE water. Diving, windsurfing, swimming, sailing. The ocean is my home. Secretly, I'm trying to be a mermaid.

8. My eyes change colour. They stay with a base of blue but range in to green and grey also.

9. My favourite flowers is a mixed bouquet of sunflowers and red roses - romantic and happy.

10. I once played Nick Bottom in a Midsummers Night Dream. I had to sing while wearing a donkey's head. It was terrifying. For everyone.

11. I'm from Aucklnd. Don't hate it until you've sat on a beach and looked at Rangitoto. There's no place like it.

13. I love Christmas.  I make a gingerbread house every year. I think Christmas carols should be compulsory from my birthday onwards.

14. For me, a cup of tea (and a chocolate coated gingernut) can cure anything. Salt water is also a good cure - sweat, tears and the ocean. But tea is calmer.

15. I love board games. Games night is one of the coolest nights ever.

16. I've performed in the Sydney Opera House. And I still occasionally wish I had never given up music.

17. My favourite animal is a cotton top tamarin. And a dolphin. Who doesn't like dolphins. They can recognise themselves in a mirror. COOL!

18. I come with my own background music. Silence is overrated, and I have a playlist for EVERYTHING.

19. I believe with all my heart that a true love story never ends. But that love-in-action is something we should all commit to each and every day.

20. I often yell stay at non-living objects as though they will listen to me.

21. I'm an intellectual badass. Which is code for NERD ALERT. But I love learning, and I love my degree.

22. The first thing I do when I get home is make myself look as publicly unacceptable as possible. Manpants and animal socks, hollah!

23. My mission in life is to be a game-changer. To leave the world better than I found it and bless every opportunity I get. We get one chance to be God's advocates. And I want to make the world smile and realise how absolutely incredible each and every person is. That's my goal.

BOOMTOWN. That's me.  A little bit crazy, a lotta bit sentimental, and a teaspoon of random. Do you know who you are? Do you celebrate it? We're all fearfully and wonderfully made. If only we started realising it.

Over and out,


When it rains, sometimes it pours...


What. A. Month. 

Back in September I called it. I called the challenge to actively show gratitude every day for something. I put it out in the big wide world that I was on a mission to be thankful. But, I have to admit, I didn't do so well at times. In fact, sometimes I downright failed. 

To be fair, I had my reasons. From the end of September until the 13th November I was in and out of hospital more times than I can count. I visited theatre twice. I have some mean scars. It's a bit of a blur. And I have most definitely had my moments of handling it all terribly. And that makes me sad. The way we can let our circumstances be the only window we look out of. 

Sometimes I wonder what we'd see if we'd only look up.

But the coolest thing is, hope is always bigger than your circumstances. And those moments of feeling overwhelmed are fleeting. There is always a new season. And love is always bigger than your circumstances. Dancing in the rain is one of the biggest gifts we can have, and will always be one of the coolest moments. Because in that moment, life is pretty darn fantastic.

Now I've had some space to recover, to truly appreciate the value of rest, I've had some time to think. As we head into summer, I think we all tend to forget the rain, spend time laughing, spend time musing, and that's great. It's a season of rest. And I guess I just want to celebrate that. If you're not feeling rested, or you're in the middle of your storm, take heart. There's always a friendly face that will dance around a kitchen, sing in the rain, make you recognize the beauty of a moment. 

Enjoy the sunshine,

Over and out, 
