Sunday, May 4, 2014

Well well well, it has been awhile


Somehow it is now May.

I say somehow because I'm not entirely sure how we got through 1/3 of the year already. In fact, last time I checked it was about February. Still. But nevertheless, here we are and it has been a long long time since an update.

What has happened since then, you may ask...


  • I completed profs. This means I finished 13 weeks of practical "how to be a lawyer" training. I had very few weekends without assignments, and very few weeks with breathing room. But I got there, and made it through the other side. Though I'm not entirely sure what the otherside looks like yet.
  • My kittens have grown. They now look like cats. Funny wee thing that, the fact that kittens become cats, but y'know, I'm not ready for them to be all big and grown up. Where did all the time go?!
  • I have gone to three weddings. Three. They were all gorgeous in their own way and they all reminded me of how important family, friends and your other half is. 
  • Speaking of other halves, he broke his finger. Big time. Like through the knuckle joint so it collapsed and twisted and generally looked like someone forgot to attach a bone to his finger. Wasn't the best of times. But it's healing so fast it's like he has a superpower.
  • I have signed up for a marathon. I'm running to raise money for the Cancer Society. I am also currently coming out of an injury with a foot that cannot run, so it's an interesting tension.
  • I got a job. So I now take a ferry twice a day. And work in an office. And generally wonder what it is that I'm doing with my life. And so,
  • I dream. We are planning a trip to South East Asia budget allowing which is INCREDIBLY exciting and slightly nerve-wracking at the same time.
  • There have been birthdays and celebrations and get togethers and catch ups that make you realise that you have a lot of cool people around you. And makes you miss the ones that aren't there. 
So, there's not really any excuse for an update, except.. I wasn't sure what to write. I didn't really have anything profound to say. Or interesting for that matter. It made me worried. It was like I was just cruising along with life, enjoying it, rising to the little challenges but in general, it was like nothing major was happening. Now for me, that's a bit odd. Normally life just operates at this high speed, chaotic spin of medical dramas and issues that make some tv shows look slow. But recently, it's just been so.... mild.

See to begin with, I had a problem with that. It wasn't that I WANTED the drama, but it was more I felt a little lost without it. Confused about why life felt so.. chilled. Flat, almost. It was and is still very very busy, but there wasn't multiple major things to handle all at the same time, so it's more of a manageable full then insanely busy. And then I realised, um, actually, that's a really good thing. Most of life actually doesn't operate in the profound or in the chaotic. It's in the moments when you're looking out of a ferry window wondering what you want to see in this life and do in this life that is the moments worth having. It's those moments on a lazy sunday when you're actually valuing the importance of a day of rest and you end up sitting in the sun playing board games or chatting about life or watching kittens wrestle while you have a cup of tea or just chilling listening to birds or the hum of "Put Your Records On" in the background that is what life is really all about. It's amazing really.

There are times to work hard and there's times to relax. But even during the week taking the moment to unplug my music and listen to the waves hit the beach can make such a difference. I'd rather take a moment to stop and feel the gentle quiet then push forward in chaos and come out the otherside with another battle scar.

Maybe I'm changing, maybe I'm growing up, maybe I truly am "coming through the otherside" of a bunch of chaos, but one thing I do know is this life, even in its mundane, is truly and amazingly beautiful and perfect.