Monday, September 30, 2013

Patient Love

I think one of the hardest things about life is learning to value yourself. To realize your identity and your true worth. I have yet to meet a person who hasn't had (or is having) a battle of self-worth or self-identity. Whether it is something someone spoke over them or whether it is something they have believed by themselves, the battle of belief in our value and beauty is a battle I truly believe we all share. 

I had the absolute privilege of helping some of the youth group cats get ready for the ball on Sunday. They looked incredible. And it got me thinking how amazing and beautiful and incredible we all are, in our own ways. 

It is hard to watch people scrutinize their reflection, pick out the flaws and lose themselves in their perceived imperfection. I do it too. Put me in front of a mirror and I guarantee the first thing I'll do will be to notice a flaw. But this practice - this habit - it undermines everything we are. 

To what and to whom are we measuring? 




Or an imported idea of normality?

Most people have seen the Dove Evolution; but the one that really blew my mind was the real time sketches (do check it out!). It is so so true. We spend so much time analysing. And guys, I think this applies to you, too. Whether its body image or whether its physical talents, we criticize ourselves to an undeniable extreme. If we could record our own internal dialogue, I think there are days where we would realize we shouldn't really be friends with ourselves.

I wonder how we would describe ourselves if we were in the sketches. 

I wonder what we'd say if we then found out that God was on the other side of the veil.

Do you recognize the true value of the person that you are? The person that faces you in the mirror? 

I know I'd be ashamed to speak the words of criticism I've recorded against myself in the past to anyone, let alone to the one who loves me beyond measure and created my very being.

Sometimes I think we all need to remember who we really are.  Sometimes it can be a daily battle where some days are easier than others. For me, on hard days, I used to place the verse "you are fearfully and wonderfully made" on my mirror. To remind myself of a standard that has already been met and a love that abounds through my spirit and my heart. Now, I look myself in the eye and tell myself that until I feel a peace in my soul. In my darkest days, or when I needed a reminder of all the love that's in  my life I would write patient:love on my wrist. To remind myself to be patient with myself. To love myself. And to demonstrate that patient love with all those around me.  

It takes 21 days to break a habit. So for October I'm calling it. For the entire month I'm going to find something I value in myself each day. And I am going to be thankful for it. And I am going to remember in whose image I was truly created.

Take heart and remember:

Over and out,

Cooper :)

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